Book Direct Benefits

Best rate guarantee

Find a lower rate within 24 hours of book direct making, we are delighted to match the rate.

Early check-in, Late check-out

• Stay period: June - September, we guarantee early check-in (10 am) & Late check-out (2 pm) *Except Thai Residents, Voucher and Package rate
• Stay period: October - May, subject to room availability *Except Thai Residents, Voucher and Package rate

Easy modify & cancel up to your stay

• 3 days prior to your arrival (1 May - 31 October)

• 7 days prior to your arrival (1 November - 22 December & 1 March - 30 April)

• 14 days prior to your arrival (8 January - 28 February)

• **Except non-refundable promotion.

15% discount all restaurant, bar and spa

(exclude promotion, package, buffet)

Free WiFi Internet